
Access Management Made Easy

A secure all-in-one system which enables you to manage and analyse exactly who comes in and out of your space.


Take Control of Your Space

Induct enables you to see exactly who’s in the building at a glance, providing you with real-time metrics on how your space is being used. Our product will upgrade your security, ensuring people are only where they are supposed to be and alerting you when they’re not.

Parts of Induct User Interface that show how users have greater control over their space

It's never been easier to let the right people in

Schedule guest events and grant temporary access all from your dashboard. Guests coming into the building will be automatically emailed for their temporary access and it all syncs with your calendar. Members can also request temporary access to areas, or even request to book out rooms.


Enter by key card or by phone.

With Induct you can send access cards to your member’s and guest’s phones, and you can easily create and add physical key cards on site.

Image showing how users can access Induct buildings with their phone or card

Check who's in with a glance

See who from your team is in the building and what they're doing, and who's at home

Manage Security

Request Access Remotely


We support all your favourite productivity tools to sync with your workflow


Swap the Hardware

Our reverse compatible hardware means there's no need to change your infrastructure

How it works section

Download the app

Our app is cross platform and works on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS

How it works section

Connect to our hub

Start configuring all of your doors from your dashboard

How it works section

Grant access

Instantly send digital access to staff

How it works section

Start your Induction Today

If you’re interested in getting a quote for our product, or if you simply have some questions for us, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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